Johnny B Landscape — 

Johnny B Lawn Care has been providing full service lawn care since 1990. Our specialists will help keep your yard looking beautiful throughout the year. In the winter, you can count on us for all your snow removal needs.


8806 Memory Trail
60097 Wonder Lake , IL
Phone: (815) 790-7833

McConnell Environmental — 

We help our clients find the balance between nature and growth. Our staff of certified wetland specialist, certified professionals in erosion and sediment control, and certified landscape professionals has the expertise and knowledge required to help our clients reach their goals for their particular project. Either a big subdivision or a small bioswale in your back yard, McConnell Environmental services will help you through the entire stage of the project starting with the permitting, through the design stage, the installation, and finishing with the monitoring and stewardship of the site.


8608 W. Sunset Drive
60097 Wonder Lake , IL
Phone: (815) 728-7281

Schey's — 

Est 1995, Schey's provides high quality landscaping materials. Mulch: Premium, Dyed, and Hardwood. Sand, gravel, dirt, pine trees, tree spading, and bobcat service. Materials can be delivered or picked up.


6424 McCullom Lake Road
60097 Wonder Lake , IL
Phone: 815-728-1155